Joan is a resourceful connector by nature! She is the current Executive Director at Radical Partners, a social impact accelerator based in Miami that invests in leaders, engages locals, grows ventures, and designs innovative solutions to collectively make communities stronger. Some of the initiatives they spearhead are the Strategic Planning Summit, the 10 Days of Connection, and Leadership Lab.
Joan is a Clinical Psychologist, with a master degree in International NGOs, and 14+ years of international work experience in the social impact sector (Guatemala, The Netherlands, Costa Rica, Chile and the United States). She is a true believer that success in life should not be measured with the things you obtain, but with the lives you are able to transform. Always committed to the development of women, she’s uplifted their voces at small organizations based in the rural areas of Central America all the way to UN Women.
To continue pursuing her life mission and many passions, she sits on the Board of the Women’s Fund in Miami, is also one of the co-founders of the F*up Nights movement in Miami, and is an active alumni of the Global Shapers Community.